Mission Description In 2293, a small ship returned from scientific exploration in the outer regions of the galaxy with news of a previously unencountered life form. While collecting samples of space debris for testing, the ship had been approached by an alien vessel. The crew was unable to establish communications with the ship, but it showed no hostility and eventually left the area. A few hours after the first incident another ship appeared. This vessel was larger and slower than the first, but it was decidedly more hostile. Without attempting to make contact, the alien vessel opened fire. The science ship, although equipped with only minimal defense systems, returned fire and eventually managed to destroy the alien. After repairing minor damage the science ship headed for home. When the captain gave his report, he admitted that the retrieval of space debris may have been interpreted as an offensive act. As a result, a fleet of ships accompanied by a small military escort was sent to contact the aliens and establish diplomatic relations. Three months later a single fighter returned to report that the fleet had been destroyed by the alien forces. The pilot described the aliens as a vicious military race from a neighboring galaxy, invading our galaxy on a mission of conquest and destruction. The aliens are establishing military colonies at thousands of locations on the opposite side of the galaxy. At the current rate of growth, they are expected to reach Alliance territory within a year. It is therefore imperitive that the invasion force be repelled as quickly as possible. Millions of gallant fighter pilots such as yourself have volunteered to defend the galaxy against this dreadful enemy. Because of the large number and alarming growth of the enemy bases, and because of the tremendous amount of space to be covered, each pilot is being assigned his or her own sector of the galaxy. You will be completely isolated from your fellow warriors, and because of the extreme distance from Alliance territory you will not be able to communicate with Alliance outposts. Recent probes have reported that each enemy base acts as a subspace gateway to the aliens’ galaxy, allowing the invaders to travel the great distance between galaxies in a very short time. Clearly, destruction of these bases is paramount to the success of your mission. The probes have also discovered a system of local ‘vortexes’ that connect the bases to form a sort of subspace highway system. You will use the vortexes to travel from one base to the next. Although two-way communication with Alliance headquarters will be impossible, our scientists believe they have discovered a way for you to transmit information to the Alliance while you are travelling through a subspace vortex. Your ship has been equipped with a special transmitter that activates automatically when you enter the vortex and relays all information gained since the last transmission. Hopefully this will result in a more complete set of information about the enemy so that future soldiers will be better prepared for their mission. On the following information screens you will find all information currently available on the enemy fleet. Unfortunately we know very little at this time. Part of your mission is to survive as long as possible to gather information and relay it back to Alliance command. We are required to inform you that you are not expected to return from this mission. Since you are strictly a volunteer, you may choose to abort your mission at any time. Nothing will be said. The Alliance is proud to have you as part of our team. Good luck!